history, historiography, politics, current events

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

National Review Online Editors on Burma

The editors of NRO have weighed in on the debate over the situation in Burma. They wrote:

"The death toll from Cyclone Nargis, which swept across Burma’s Irrawaddy Delta May 2–3, has soared above 50,000. It is likely to rise further still. Tragedy is here compounded by evil: The ruling junta, brutal beyond words, has refused to allow aid workers into the country in sufficient numbers for them to be effective, fearing that this would highlight its own maladministration. What aid has reached Burma — some of it on U.S. C-130 cargo planes, which have landed in the country with the junta’s permission — has reportedly been diverted to the military. The small number of NGOs that the junta has allowed in are no match for the apparatus of the state, which after all has never been deployed for the benefit of the Burmese masses."

"What, then, to do?"....

Full article.

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