history, historiography, politics, current events

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Michael Moore is a War Pornographer.

The independent war reporter Michael Yon, who many consider to be this generation's Ernie Pyle, has recently complained of Michael Moore's use of one of his photographs. Yon, who is taking legal action against Moore, was outraged that his photo was taken out of context and was used in an idiotic anti-war propaganda campaign. Moore, according to Yon, is a war pornographer because he takes images out of context and uses them to suit his own sick needs. Yon stated that he has no problem with people using any of his photographs, but only gives permission to those he deems will not misrepresent any of his images. Yon wrote:

"When someone’s grandmother disseminates the photo of Major Beiger cradling a dying girl in his arms, I allow the usage because I feel she is trying to share the human tragedy. [Michael Moore’s use of this same photo, which he placed] alongside images of George Bush, John McCain and Hillary Clinton… [and the] implication is that [the girl’s] death is their fault. That is a misrepresentation of the facts on the ground, as well as the story of the photo. Farah was killed by a suicide car bomb...."

Full post.

Yon's photo.

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