history, historiography, politics, current events

Monday, June 9, 2008

Free Speech on Trial in Canada

Author and columnist Mark Steyn is currently being tried by the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal for inciting racial hatred. Steyn and the newsweekly Macleans are being tried for the publication of this excerpt from Steyn's book, America Alone. The excerpt and Steyn's book make the argument that the population of ethnic Europeans is diminishing while at the same time Europe's Muslim population is increasing. Since Europe has been a place where many jihadist groups have recruited young disillusioned Muslim men, then there should be some cause for worry in American and other Western states. It is not a rant against Islam, but an argument about Europe's potential future as a jihadist recruiting ground.

The book is a well argued and thoughtful treatise and its conclusions are open to debate. However, this is not the case in liberal, progressive and forward thinking Canada. Arguments such as this, which do not fit the liberal feel good demeanor of the Canadian people and government, are unfairly labeled as racist and are shut down to debate. This trial is nothing more than a Stalinist show trial and will be a black spot on Canada's national reputation as a progressive nation. The Canadian government should be completely ashamed of its indefensible actions.

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